In the fields of Farm Donna Tina cultivate cereals, fodder, grasslands, legumes, vegetables in season … following the practice of crop rotation that lasts several years with dormant periods (fallow).
The various crops follow each other so as to allow the soil to maintain its fertility. To increase the nutrient in the soil on our fields distribute mature compost (organic fertilizer) coming from our livestock.

With the cultivation of our organic farming (without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and nitrates) we offer our customers cereals, legumes and fresh vegetables of the season genuine and free of chemicals by reducing the impact of possible the agricultural ecosystem. Organic farming in addition to the reserve land also preserves water quality.

Particular care and attention the dedichiano the choice of varieties of seeds (do not use seed or hybrid plants or GMO), the various processes to be implemented, so as to minimize anything that can ruin the vitality and structure of the soil, as the compaction, deep plowing, processing of land not in tempera …

The cereal crop residues, stubble, after the packed straw trinciamo and bury. The stubble fact is very important for the formation of humus and the improvement of the structure and texture of the soil.

On our fields of wheat, oats, peas and favino we practice the ancient technique of weeding with animals. In the first stage of the growth of cereals and legumes, we bring sheep and donkeys to pasture. The animals cut, remove the weeds and stimulate the preparation of the plant as well as play a natural consimation of the fields.

… The most important factor is not the cultivation technique, but rather the state of mind of those who cultivate …” (M. Fukuoka)